Gamma, a newly discovered brainwave, oscillates between 30 to 100 Hz. This exciting brainwave has been seen to be connected with peak performance, strong focus, and even possibly mystical transcendental experiences, higher perceptions, and insight. Gamma also is believed to help coordinate and synchronize the other brainwaves of alpha, beta, theta, and[...]
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We are happy to announce that we have another new practitioner starting out here at Psinergy! Matt Cates has studied a wide range of energy work and holistic health modalities over the years and combines them into a joyful session to help you address your issues from an energetic standpoint.[...]
The post Qigong therapy sessions – No Cost for the next month! appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.
The other day SchaOn asked Penny how a Chakra Balancing session is different with her versus another energy healer as each healer has a unique perspective on this seemingly common practice. A Chakra Balancing is a little like getting a tune-up for your energetic body. When your chakras are balanced you’re[...]
The post How is a Chakra Balancing different with Penny? appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.