All we can say is that we just LOVE these candles! They smell awesome, they burn nicely, and they give you a little extra umphy in various areas of your life.
While we do plan on carrying mostly the Blessed Herbal, World Magic, and Affirmation candles designed by Coventry Creations, we ordered in some additional special candles in preparation for Valentines (Brigid, Imbolc, Candlemas, and Imbolg) from the Motor City Hoo Doo and Wicked Witch lines. Read below about the Red Stilettos candle, as well as the Adam and Steve as well as Adam and Eve candles, and all the others. Also, seeing that we are having 4 Mercury Retrogrades this year, we are getting in some special kits specifically for that, but that will have to be in another post.
*Note: If we don’t have a specific candle you want in stock, please let us know and we can get it ordered in for you. Otherwise, our neighbor’s across the boarder in Minneapolis, Eye of Horus, might also have them in stock (though you will want to call and check first as they go quickly)!
A Royal Purple Candle embodied with Honeysuckle & Cedar
When faced with the challenge of healing, you can use all the help you can get. Healing occurs on all the levels of the self, emotional, spiritual, mental and physical. This candle supports you spiritually and emotionally, helping you to cope with the physical and mental changes you are experiencing.
My healing begins with my intent of health,
is empowered by my desire for wholeness,
and is materialized by my willingness
to flow within my truth.
2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Printed Affirmation
A gentle tan candle kissed with an Uplifting Musk blend
Meditation can heal the soul and quiet a troubled mind. It can bring focus and be the subtle difference between success and failure. This Affirmation candle is designed with the oils that help one achieve deep, healing meditative states.
Affirmation: With a still mind, I experience the depth of my soul, bringing clarity and wholeness to my self. I energize my spirit with the source of creation.
2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Printed Affirmation
A Clover Green candle kissed with the essences of Bergamot & Clove
The source of your prosperity lies within. Positive affirmations create positive thoughts which in turn create positive actions that cause prosperity to abound.
Affirmation: I release the limiting thoughts that block my prosperity. I open my mind, heart and being to the unlimited abundance of the universe.
2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Printed Affirmation
Spiritual White candle with cypress scent.
This candle and affirmation helps lift the overwhelming burden which sometimes accompanies grief. Burn to open up the heart-space, release the flow of tears, and help you deal with loss.
This burden on my heart is too heavy to hold.
I allow my spirit to grieve the loss of this dream.
I allow my tears to cleanse me, release my expectations of the future
and embrace the gifts this challenge has given me.
2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Printed Affirmation
A gentle tan candle kissed with an Uplifting Musk blend
Meditation can heal the soul and quiet a troubled mind. It can bring focus and be the subtle difference between success and failure. This Affirmation candle is designed with the oils that help one achieve deep, healing meditative states.
Affirmation: With a still mind, I experience the depth of my soul, bringing clarity and wholeness to my self. I energize my spirit with the source of creation.
2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Printed Affirmation
Sky Blue Candle with a Sweet Floral Blend
Whether you need assistance from a heavenly Angel or an Angel incarnate on this earth, our Angel Affirmation candle will bring you the gentle confidence that the help you desire is here.
Affirmation: I see the miracles that my angels work within my life. I feel their presence around me and recognize them in others.
2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Printed Affirmation
A subtle hue of lavender sweetened with the gentle essence of Ylang-Ylang
Take time out from the stress of daily living and surround yourself with the essence of Tranquility. For a moment or for a lifetime, float on a sea of calm.
Affirmation: In this moment, that belongs only to me, I release the stress of the day. First from my body, then my mind and finally from my emotions.
2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Printed Affirmation
Geranium, Nutmeg, Allspice
Color: Brilliant Yellow Success and Victory Through Self-Mastery
Determination, courage, wisdom, vitality and a little luck combine to clear the way towards Victory. Triumph over what is blocking you – external conflicts, inner struggles, bad habits or financial/personal success.
The first step is to build your confidence, balance your intentions and keep moving. The greatest Victory is mastering yourself.
Courage, wisdom and vitality fill me
and ready me to face this challenge
I become confident with the continual motion
to move through these blocks
and have the courage to face this conflict
I master my own emotions and fears
to attain my greatest Success
2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Printed Affirmation
Jasmine and Orange Blossom. A strawberry red Sex Magic candle.
“Candy is dandy. But nothing – not even t he finest Belgian chocloate – beats wild, hot jungle sex! ” – Dorothy Morrison
Words of Sex Mojo
Anticipation grows as the moment closes in,
Eyes, hearts and passions meet;
igniting flames that only a wild night can tame.
Temptations wrap around our minds,
craving a taste of the forbidden fruit of lust,
we reach, we find, we are consumed.
2″x4″ Cotton Wick Pillar
Approx 25 hours burn time
Remove all packaging and Place in a candle holder
Mojo is Easy. You set your tone, state your intent, light your candle and make your magic. The only rule is to follow your intuition and your heart.
Turn Your Thoughts Into Desire
Whether you are a long-married couple or a new love interest, ignite an electric attraction between you, creating a passionate experience.
Enchant each other by awakening the sensuality hidden deep within and fill each other with the gifts of admiration and desire.
We are the enchanter
and the enchanted
Desires feed upon each other
with every thought and action
The beauty and admiration
of this moment mesmerizes.
We move with the
dance of passion.
Our feelings of bliss
burst through in brilliance
Blessed Herbal Candle Purpose
Use to enhance the love you already have
Use to bring a new love into your life
Astrological Candle Use
Waxing and Full moon are the best times for this candle.
Other Candle Details
The oils used in this candle are chosen to deepen love and trust between two people. The color is design to heighten passion.
Scent: Rose, Cinnamon, Jasmine Essential Blend
Color: Burgundy
1.5″ x 7.5″ Pillar Candle
35 Hour Burn Time
Hand-poured in USA during the best phase of the moon
A lush burgundy candle, with an earthy floral scent. 2”x 4” pillar burns for 40 hours.
The fairytales tell us that we are supposed to be “Happily Ever After”. Life shows us that a partnership of any type takes, work, commitment, determination and lots of love. The Adam and Eve candle helps a couple deepen their connection to a place where giving up is just not an option.
Label Message – With a pin or nail, inscribe the name of the couple 5 times in a spiral up the side of the candle. Hold the candle in your hands and say a prayer. Light the candle every day for 5 days. Each candle comes with full instruction on conjuring up some Hoo Doo. (A Ritual, spell, or prayer to set your intention in motion)
2″ x 4″ Candle with Cotton Wick
40 hour burn time
A deep purple candle with an uplifting patchouli scent. 2″ x 4″ pillar burns for 40 hours.
It doesn’t matter if you are gay or straight, every committed relationship requires work. Adam and Steve is there to help strengthen the partnership, specifically between two men.
Label Message – Whether you are going through a rough patch or are blissfully happy, deepen the love you feel for each other and strengthen your commitment. With a pin or nail, inscribe the name of the couple 5 times in a spiral up the side of the candle. Hold the candle in your hands and say a prayer. Light the candle every day for 5 days. Each candle comes with full instruction on conjuring up some Hoo Doo. (A Ritual, spell, or prayer to set your intention in motion)
2″ x 4″ Candle with herbs on top
Cotton Wick
40 hour burn time
Fill your pockets with the blessing of many riches. Bergamot and Date invite in the sweetness of life as they release the tensions that block the manifestation of prosperity and clear the fears that can destroy abundance.
By earth, by air, by water, by fire; wealth of coin, in magic I now sire. The fears, the blocks and other unknowns are cleared by the maiden, mother and crone. By horn and hoof the lord will bless fill my pockets with riches free of stress.
Color: Green
Size: 2.5″ X 6.5″
Scent: Bergamot and Date
Keywords: Money, Prosperity, Abundance
Burn Time: 70 Hours
Handmade in USA
We have more candles coming tomorrow (Attraction & Love Power Votives, Heart Power Votives, the Money Draw Motor City Hoo Doo Power Votives, Ganesha World Magic Votives, Lakshmi World Magic Votives, Sacred White Sage World Magic Votives as well as the Mercury Retrograde Spell Box including the Van-Van Candle, and a few other things) and so we’ll post another blog post after those come in.
The post Get your Fire on! *Coventry Creations* Candles now available! appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.