We’re Rated 1 of the 3 Best Computer Repair Service Centers in St Paul! — Psinergy LLC

We’re Rated 1 of the 3 Best Computer Repair Service Centers in St Paul!

We would like to announce that we are now listed as one of the Top 3 Computer Repair Centers in St Paul, MN by ThreeBestRated.com. We received this on October 11, 2017, and we have to say this is pretty awesome!

Three Best Rated®Three Best Rated® was created with a simple goal to find you the top 3 local businesses, professionals, restaurants and health care providers in your city. They display only businesses that are verified by their employees since customers deserve only the best.

How do they actually find the best computer repair service centers? They have a 50-Point Inspection that includes everything from checking reputation, history, complaints, local reviews, nearness, satisfaction, trust, and cost to the general excellence. That’s not all… businesses do not pay them to list them ever. They believe that local businesses provide better and personal services locally. Local businesses know your city better since they live there too. Their policy is free to list because if you can pay to list, then is it really the best business?

Thank you for the acknowledgment Three Best Rated!

Also, congratulations to our fellow colleagues and businesses, Capital City Computer Fixx & I.T. Services and Nanosystems, for also receiving this honor.

The post We’re Rated 1 of the 3 Best Computer Repair Service Centers in St Paul! appeared first on Psinergy Tech.

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