Last week Oir let us know that everything you’ve been working for is coming into fruition. If you’re ready to work, here’s the path. But does the path look a little daunting? Are you still unsure about what’s going to happen or not? It’s normal to be scared of the unknown.[...]
The post 12/13/2015: Duir (Doo-r), or Oak appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.
Fearn invites us all to look at our fears this week and take action. Fear is a needed reaction to let us know what’s happening around us. What do you need to be alerted to in order to move forward with strength and courage? When we hold onto fear, it[...]
The post 11/8/2015: Fearn (fi-een), or Alder appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.