Huge Mac OS Exploit Discovered – Make sure you’re updated! — Psinergy LLC

Huge Mac OS Exploit Discovered – Make sure you’re updated!

Beware! Your iPhone Can Be Hacked Remotely With Just A Message

Beware! Your iPhone Can Be Hacked Remotely With Just A Message

In Brief Do you own an iPhone? Mac? Or any Apple device? Just one specially-crafted message can expose your personal information, including your authentication credentials stored in your device’s memory, to a hacker. The vulnerability is quite similar to the Stagefright vulnerabilities, …

The Basics

  • Basically, all Mac OS devices are vulnerable (iPhones, Apple TVs, Apple Watches, Computers, etc)
  • The hack take place through text message or iMessage via you receiving a picture
  • This was patched in iOS 9.3.3 (so make sure you install this ASAP)

Note: If you were hacked with this vulnerability, you would not know that you were compromised in most cases. Also, if you don’t have time to apply this update… rethink it. Make time to apply it ASAP.

The post Huge Mac OS Exploit Discovered – Make sure you’re updated! appeared first on Psinergy Tech.

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