Fear Archives — Psinergy LLC


(originally published in The Edge magazine, page 3 in Feb/March 2022, Edition #341) by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT In Holistic Medicine, there is a saying: “Fear eats the light – Light dissipates Fear.” How do we see this impact the mind (information), body (matter), soul (energy)? Think of the last[...]
Every two months we go through a seasonal change. During these times we want to ease the burden on our digestive system and also allow for it to recharge. One of the best foods during a seasonal change is Kitchari. It’s a gentle and effective way to not only cleanse[...]

Fearn invites us all to look at our fears this week and take action. Fear is a needed reaction to let us know what’s happening around us. What do you need to be alerted to in order to move forward with strength and courage? When we hold onto fear, it[...]

The post 11/8/2015: Fearn (fi-een), or Alder appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.