by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT Kitchari is pretty much a staple within Ayurveda, and there are many, many varieties out there. The basics of all kitchari is that it is rice and beans, with various spices. Kitchari is meant to be easy to digest, cleansing and strengthening without robbing the system of[...]
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by SchaOn Blodgett, CCP, BTAT It’s summer, and time for camping, bonfires and other fun outdoor activities, and with it the bugs that come with it. While we always try to promote being in harmony with the nature around us, which includes the bugs as they are a natural food[...]
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by SchaOn Blodgett This last Saturday, June 11 2016, was a scorching hot pre-summer day here in Minnesota, hitting 90 degrees Fahrenheit with a heat index of over 100 for the second day in a row. Ninety degree days are not unheard of in Minnesota, and common towards the end of[...]
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The cold and flu season is here, so I wanted to send out a quick note with some things can help keep you healthier naturally during the next few months. It is important, more than ever, to keep a strong and healthy immune system, whether you vaccinate or decide that[...]
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Herbs for autumn offer nourishing support to keep you healthy during the dry, cold, windy days of the fall and winter seasons. Each herb has special qualities that give it a unique role in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. The beneficial herbs listed below are available in bulk powders (spice jar, ½[...]
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