Ioho seems to come up at least every other month to remind us of that constant birth, death, and rebirth cycle. Each year, month, week, day, hour, and minute is a chance for a new cycle. Take each chance to rebirth into something new. This means being able to let[...]
The post 11/29/2015: Ioho (E-yo), or Yew appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.
The energy lately around a lot of people has been that something needs to change. In light of all of the attacks (locally, nationally, and internationally) that have been occurring, there is a strong need for something different. We need to change a habit, a pattern, a thought, physical changes, etc.,[...]
The post 11/22/2015: Phagos (fah-gors), or Beech appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.
This week we take a look at habits and how they are affecting our lives. Which of those habits need to be cleansed from our energy. Habits are neither good nor bad as a concept. They shape patterns in our lives. If this situation keeps happening, this is the result each[...]
The post 11/15/2015: Ngetal (net-tarl), or Broom/Reed appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.
Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness Receives 2015 Best of Minneapolis Award Minneapolis Award Program Honors the Achievement MINNEAPOLIS November 4, 2015 — Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness has been selected for the 2015 Best of Minneapolis Award in the Holistic Medicine Practitioner category[...]
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The cold and flu season is here, so I wanted to send out a quick note with some things can help keep you healthier naturally during the next few months. It is important, more than ever, to keep a strong and healthy immune system, whether you vaccinate or decide that[...]
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Fearn invites us all to look at our fears this week and take action. Fear is a needed reaction to let us know what’s happening around us. What do you need to be alerted to in order to move forward with strength and courage? When we hold onto fear, it[...]
The post 11/8/2015: Fearn (fi-een), or Alder appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.
Herbs for autumn offer nourishing support to keep you healthy during the dry, cold, windy days of the fall and winter seasons. Each herb has special qualities that give it a unique role in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. The beneficial herbs listed below are available in bulk powders (spice jar, ½[...]
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Happy Celtic New Year! We are taking time this week to work with Muin. She helps us to find balance in our lives. With her pointy thorns and sweet berries, Muin reminds us the importance of finding balance to flourish in our lives. Muin tells us that as we begin[...]
The post 11/1/2015: Muin (Mhoown), Blackberry/Bramble appeared first on Psinergy Natural Health & Holistic Wellness.